Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa

Investor Visa – Can my adult kid already married join the program with Investor ?

Family reunion for Investor Visa in Portugal allows you to join direct dependents in your application. Direct dependents mean all persons which survive depending on your earning and are directly related to you. All daughters, sons, parents or other related family member only when they depend on you can join the application together.

By normal understanding all kids under 18 years old are direct dependents from parents, once they complete 18 years old unless stated or proof of studying can not be considered for this application. In case your kids have already over 18 years old and are married, its a normal understanding that they have created their own family, therefore they are not direct dependents anymore, even if they still depend on investors money.

The solution for an adult kid already married to be able to join this program is to be himself an investor and get all the benefits from early beginning.  In case that can not be considered a solution, it is also a good understanding that all investors visa applicants which apply for citizenship after 6 years will grant the possibility for 2 generations to claim citizenship. Meaning is, when an investor becomes Portuguese citizen,  sons or grandsons will be able to request Portuguese citizenship also whenever they want.



