Golden Visa, Investment, Real Estate - Portugal

Golden Visa : Invest in Rural Properties with High Income Returns

Since the Golden Visa Program started in Portugal, lots of investors have chosen the option of buying an apartment in Lisbon city center or a Villa around Cascais as their main priorities. However with prices increasing and rental market still focused on Portuguese people which is far away from booming, the return rate of residential properties investments is becoming lower and lower.

This raises the opportunity to find other locations or to diversify the investments into Rural properties. Portugal Rural properties or agriculture properties are at this stage sold with a very big discount and at incredible prices, however is necessary to understand the cost structure of each specific unit to be able to feel confident about this kind of investment. Since Portugal was for many years developing agriculture of subsistence which consists in producing your own food just for living, most of available properties in the market are small fractions of land which do not reveal to be productive and able to generate high income returns.

According to our experience it is very important to choose properties which have already in place plantations over 50 hectares and that costs structure is lean enough to generate high returns. Costs of electricity, water and other products have increased  substantially within the last years and food price is pretty much stable. If you plan to invest in Rural Properties which have a high return we recommend you to choose between the following cultures: Cork Trees, Olive Trees, Vineyards with own Wine Production, Pine Trees or Eucalyptus.  Those are the plantations which offer you a stable and high return that can even reach 20% a year. Since there are very good perspectives of seeing land price increase within the next years, you might be investing in a business that is able to generate over 20% a year within the next 5-10 years.

We have already selected a numerous rural properties with high income returns, in case you would like to visit them feel free to get in contact with us by email or phone.

Portugal Rural Properties at Right Stage for Investment

Portugal Rural Properties at Right Stage for Investment
