Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa, Real Estate - Portugal

Changes on Visa Fees Prices – Government Update

We would like to take this opportunity to update all Golden Visa / Investors Visa interested candidates that Government have raised the Visa fees prices within the last weeks.

The raise on prices is just an update according to price index calculations and does not modify anything of what have been doing within the past year. For your information the new price list is the following:

Process Analysis Fee: 514,80  (before used to be 513,75€

Investors Fee to Issue Residence Permit Cards: 5.147,80 € ( before used to be  5.137,50€

Process Analysis Fee for each dependent added into Investors Application: 80.20  ( before used to be 80,04 Euro)

Renewals fee for each card: 2.573,90€ ( before used to be  2.568,75€)

In the meanwhile government announced that  we have received already 2 thousand million euro foreign investment in Real Estate and  since the beginning of the program over 578 million euro have been from Investors Program. Over 130.000 Properties have been sold to Foreign Investors and 2014 has been seen as a recovery year.  Out of the 962 residence permit already conceded, 788 visas were given to chinese nationals.

In regards to Real Estate the biggest foreign investors are still the British accounting over 800 properties purchased in 2014, Chinese with 550 properties followed by French with 547 properties.

It is expected that price will rise in the next month since some prime areas in Lisbon and Algarve are already out of New Developments.


Golden Visa, Investment

English Summer School in Lisbon

In reply to several requests from Investors about English Schools in Portugal, we take the opportunity to invite potential Investors applicants or current ones to provide a Lisbon experience of a Summer School in English for all kids.

During Summer, St Julians School one of the most well known international schools in Lisbon, is developing full schedule of activities which provide full entertainment for all.

Activities: Children will be engaging in sport, music, visual arts and drama activities, lead by our coordinators, as well as learning and developing their English with their senior assistants, through games and group work. They will be going to the beach and on other exciting trips.

Groups: Children are divided into groups according to their age and activities are planned accordingly.
Group 1: 3-5 years old
Group 2: 6-9 years old
Group 3: 10-14 years old

The price is about 240 Euro per week, with several discounts when applying with several children at same time. Nothing better than have a real feel of education in Portugal, while your kid is having lots of fun.

For any more detailed information we suggest you contact St Julians School using this link:

Lisbon English International School Summer Camps

Lisbon English International School Summer Camps

Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa

Vice-Prime Minister confirms 772 Investors Visa granted till now and only 11 rejections


Investor Visa | Golden Visa | Paulo Portas Vice Prime Minister PortugalVice-Prime Minister Paulo Portas confirmed that 772 Investors Visa have been already granted and so far they have only made 11 rejections. This leaves the rejection rate at very low levels such as less than 2%.

From those 11 rejections 7 were dependents which have seen their residence permit not granted by the fact they could not meet the criteria. From the remaining 4 investors which could not see their application approved, most of the issues are related to criminal record or lack of documents to confirm that investment have been performed.

After reviewing this numbers, it is easy to conclude that this Investors Program so far is being a big success and that the quality of applicants is really high. It is clear that this program will stay for longer period since the foreign investment amount that this is bringing to Portugal is substantial.

From all the applicants Chinese are still almost 80% (612) of the applicants for this program. Vice-Prime Minister Paulo Portas is making a big effort to market this program in different countries to diversify the foreign investment for Portugal.

464 million euro have already been invested in Portugal. Most of the applicants choosing the option of Real Estate as their preferred investment option. Only 4 persons have choose the option of creating a company and less than 40 the possibility of depositing 1.000.000 Euro in a Bank account.

Due to high demand of applicants that are willing to start this program, the Immigration Office is already taking a longer time to approve the applications.

Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa

Why Rich Ukranian are now moving assets to Portugal ?

Rich Ukranian are now moving to Portugal for Golden Visa

Ukrainian started immigration to Portugal in 2001 becoming the biggest immigration nationality around 2003, being one of the biggest immigrant nations in Portugal in the last decade. In 2003 more than  64.695 legal Ukrainian were working legally in Portugal with estimation of another 20.000 working illegally.  This numbers at that time represented more than 15% of total number of immigrants in Portugal.

At that time, only Ukrainian with difficult economic conditions were moving their life to Portugal, most of those immigrants they were well educated and working in different fields other than their education expertise. The links between Ukraine and Portugal have become quite close and it became usual to find Ukrainian immigrants all over Portugal in the most variety of positions.

Now the world has changed, conditions in Ukraine in the last years have improved a lot, several immigrants returned to their country (2006 only 40.000 Ukrainian legally working in Portugal) and it became less interesting to live and work in Portugal. The world changes so fast that nowadays only Rich Ukrainian are moving to Portugal, specially those who are looking for safety area to live, moving out of a possible conflict that can generate a big war and securing their assets all over the world.

Being surrounded by sun and clean blue sky is one of the biggest attractions that rich Ukrainian identify in Portugal. Those who decided to live Ukraine to obtain their Golden Visas are expected to become Portuguese within next 6 years. Now they count with a big local community of Ukrainian immigrants, specialty food stores with Ukrainian products and lots of different traditions already integrated into our society.

Portugal is fully open to all Ukrainian that want to obtain Golden Visas to run away from the recent conflicts that can last for a long period. If you wish to know details, you are welcome to get in contact with us.

For those who wish to find detailed information about Ukrainian immigration to Portugal please check this link.

Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa

Citizenship by Investment Law| Golden Visa

We have been queried several times to explain where in Portuguese Law it states that Citizenship can be granted for Investors that joined the Golden Visa program. In order to provide a clear understanding of citizenship is important to realize that Golden Visa regulations and Citizenship are different and separate laws. Citizenship is a specific law that regulates all and possible cases any person can be able to request citizenship and in which terms. Golden Visa program allows investors to obtain one of the conditions to be able to apply for citizenship.

Citizenship in Portuguese Territory for Foreigners:

1- Government provides the Portuguese nationality by naturalization to foreigners that fulfill the following requests:

a) Adults and over 18 years old as per Portuguese Law

b) Have legal residence permit for at least 6 years

c) Know the basics of Portuguese Language as per article 25

d) Have not been sentenced or are planned to be sentenced by a court of a crime with a sentence of jail for a period superior to 3 years as per Portuguese Law. (other words no crime record or potential crime record)

Since all Investors that joined Golden Visa application have been already screened in regards to their criminal record, if nothing changed there is only option c) to be provided. Option c) is currently provided with a multiple choice test in Portuguese.
For those who want to have a look of Portuguese Citizenship law, we are posting the correct link to download.

Citizenship Law

Golden Visa, Real Estate - Portugal

Real Estate Lisbon : What is the reason why we find many unoccupied buildings inside city center?

When visiting Lisbon for the 1st time, lots of Golden Visa Investors query what is the reason behind the fact that several buildings ( Real Estate ) with the best location and where the sqm price is the highest in all Portugal stay unoccupied and totally abandoned?In order to be able to explain that fact to investors, we would like to show a map that was published in 2009 by Lisbon City Hall locating every building in bad conditions and stay unoccupied inside the city. The result is tremendously shocking since it illustrates the fact that are 57.000 buildings in this conditions all over Lisbon.
Map of Lisbon unoccupied buildings in City Center - Golden Visa - Portugal Investor Visa

In areas where sqm price ranges over 4000 Euro, it becomes difficult to understand the reason behind such conditions. It is important to understand that the buildings which are in those conditions are usually centenary buildings which will have to maintain the facade in case of reconstruction and will stay inside with the same division of property and type as the original development. Original development was thought and made more than 100 years ago, however the law restrictions in Portugal forbid the City Hall to change the original design of the building which in most of the cases eradicates the economic interest.

Developing by restoring and old building becomes extremely difficult if the output product to the market is not interesting at all. With time owners of such properties are waiting for conditions to change and for situation to become unsustainable to see if someone has the courage to modify the rules and regulations.

In the meanwhile the buildings are getting destroyed waiting to completely fall apart expecting that one day someone will allow the owners to develop a complete new project.

Another reason which have made several buildings remain is such poor conditions is the fact that lots of tenants with old contracts still remain renting those properties with ridiculous rents (some even under 50 euro / month) which is even less than annual tax the property owners are required to pay to Government. Being unable to change the rent price, only updated by price index (under 2% a year) it does not give an incentive to property owners to maintain in proper conditions the building structure. Those property owners are waiting for buildings to have extremely bad conditions to live in expectancy that tenants will move out so that they can have their assets restored and back into the market with proper rental income.Lisbon Old Buildings - Golden Visa Portugal

Those rental laws were gladly changed 2 years ago and within a period of 5 years is expected to have this problem almost erased. In five to ten years time you will have lots of old properties restored and back into the market in proper conditions, eliminating this fear factor for Golden Visa investors which have hard time to understand why so many old buildings unoccupied or badly maintained are polluting Lisbon global image. Some want to me positive and say this is Lisbon charm, gladly the charm of Lisbon will change to sophisticated in a couple of years.


Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa

What is the advantage of having Golden Visa or Investors Visa ?

Portugal Citizenship by Investment Golden Visa Passport and Residency Permit


In reward of the investment done in Portugal there are several benefits which you can start to enjoy when you get a Golden Visa or an Investors Visa as usually called:

1 – Get in and out of Schengen Space without the need of a Schengen Visa;

2 – Work and live in Schengen Area including Portugal;

3 – Move freely within Schengen Area without needing an authorization;

4 – Enjoy the benefit of family reunification and extend the benefits to all direct family members;

5 – Being able to get Permanent Residency after 5 years (Under current legislation)

6 – Request Portuguese Nationality / Citizenship after 6 years (Under current legislation)

Those are the main benefits all investors get once applying for Golden Visa or Investors Visa in Portugal.

Does not matter if you plan to live or not in Portugal in full term basis since the requirement only asks for 7 days in 1st year and 14 days every 2 years of permanency in Portugal. For some investors the main motivation are to be able to get Citizenship after the 6 years period and for others is more about getting the opportunity to travel within Europe (Schengen Area) in a easier and faster way without any restrictions on time or number of times.

Playing safe for your future or your family future can also be one of the main motivations for most of investors. Some areas of the globe are more unstable and require more attention since they easy become a war territory. Moving your family from one day to another to a safe place requires lots of authorizations which in a period of chaos become quite difficult to  obtain.

From our side what we can tell you is that Portugal is a very safe place, education is fairly very good and there is lots of space to accommodate more people in this paradise on earth.  You are welcome to become one of us.

Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa

List for Countries that can apply for Portugal Golden Visa | Investors Visa in Portugal

Please find bellow a list of countries which are able to apply for Golden Visa or Portugal Investors Visa. If your country is not listed bellow and you would like to apply for Investors Visa, please feel free to contact us.

World Map - Counties that Can Apply for Golden Visa - Investors Visa Portugal

World Map

Antigua and Barbuda
Bahamas, The
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Republic of the
Costa Rica
Cote d’Ivoire
Dominican Republic
East Timor
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Gambia, The
Holy See
Hong Kong
Korea, North
Korea, South
Marshall Islands
Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand
North Korea
Palestinian Territories
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Sint Maarten
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United States of America

Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa, Investment

How to Renew my Investors Visa or Golden Visa ?

Hot to Renew your Golden Visa  | renew your Investors Visa

Hot to Renew your Golden Visa

At the time of renewal, what do you need to present to be able to renew your Investors Visa or Golden Visa ?

To be able to renew your residence permit and continue on your Investors Visa program, you are required to get the following conditions:

1- Show a document that proves the required investment

2 – Show a declaration of no debt from Tax Department and Social Security Department

3 – Show a valid health insurance if you do not have Social Security contributions

4 – Show documents that support the fact that you have spent over 7 days in 1st year in Portugal or in case of 2nd renewal 14 days from past 2 years. This can be with one visit or several visits. (Hotel bills, flight tickets, etc.)

5 – Show a valid declaration that you will fulfill the remaining requirements for the next period of renewal in Portuguese territory (14 days stay over next 2 years).

If the investment is capital and over 1.000.000 euro, which documents are requested to be presented for renewal?

1 – Declaration of Finantial Institution autorized in National Territory to show that average trimester balance in bank account is over 1.000.000 Euro. In case the investment are stocks from stock market with a current value, if the value is under 1.000.000 Euro it can be used to renew your visa, if the same number of stocks from same companies are kept as the initial investment over 1.000.000 Euro.

If the investment is a company created with over 10 permanent employees which documents are requested for renewal?

1 – Updated declaration from Social Security to confirm that you have kept at least 10 permanent employees during the full period.

If the investment is in Real Estate what do you need to show to renew your Residence Permit?

1 – Property Registry Certification confirming that properties declared as investment are still in Investors name.

The process of renewing your investors visa becomes pretty easy to obtain as long as all the documents are presented. To fulfill all the requirements is advised to check clearly all the papers before submitting the  application in order to avoid big troubles. An interruption of Investors Visa might put in risk the possibility of getting citizenship in 6 years.

It is very important that you keep the records from your trips to Portugal and respect all the time frame requirements for Visa renewal. Any doubts we strongly suggest you check our ebook at

Citizenship - Portugal, Golden Visa

Who can join Investors Visa application? How does family reunification process works?

Family Members that can Join my  Investors Visa application

Several of our clients have doubts about the possibility of including their family members into their Investors Visa. To make it easier to understand we have stated the regulations as they are presented, not excluding any other option which might be approved under special circumstances.  If you have any doubt we will be happy to clarify for you.

As a holder of an Investor Visa , which family members can benefit within same application ?

The Family members which can apply together with Investor for Residence Permit :

1 – Spouse

2 – Minors Kids (sons or / and daughters) or disabled / dependent persons under family responsability;

3 – Minors adopted by the applicant;

4 – Cohabiting Partner duly established under the law – minor kids or disabled kids of the partner ;

When should the application for family reunification be processed?

The application for family reunification can be made after the Investor have been granted a valid residence permit or at a later stage. It depends on investors convenience to decide if he applies together with the family or adds the family at a later stage.

How much it is required to pay for residence permit under Investor Visa ?

The investor once has your application approved will have to pay the sum of € 5,137.50 per each person joining his application and a fee of € 2,568.75 per person for each renewal.

Please note that before paying the full government fee, each investor is requested to pay for a analysis fee and only after application approved, the government fees will be required to be paid. The same applies for every family member which is joining investors application.
